Reality Check

The other day I was sat on a bus, scrolling through my Instagram feed having a little think about the types of images that were popping up. As a normal twenty-year-old student social media is a massive part of my life and Instagram and You Tube are my favourite platforms. I am also massively interested in the world of fitness and health.

As a general rule people don’t share their entire lives on social media, we use it as a place to show off our highlights. When you look at fitness accounts they don’t often show the days when they didn’t train and the sneaky snacks they shouldn’t really have had. They create an image of fitness which is unrealistic because they aren’t showing you reality.

I love to train and eat ‘healthily’ but I would never pretend to live the ‘perfect’ healthy lifestyle. I feel like people are often very intimidated by the ‘highlights’ version of the fitness world. I wanted to create a space where I can share ideas and thoughts on how to live a realistic and happy active lifestyle.

I am no expert, but I am a massive advocate for the word ‘active’. I am all about finding ways to get myself moving a little bit more every day. Equally, I listen to my body and if I am feeling exhausted, to force myself to go for a run would actually be unhealthy. You have to listen to your body.

There is no right or wrong way to be healthy, fit or active, you have to find the way that suits you and makes you happy.

Em x


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