Let's Celebrate: International Transgender Day of Visibility as an ally
[Transgender Flag, photo by Stephanie Gonot] Wednesday 31st March 2021 marks the 12 th annual International Transgender Day of Visibility [1] . This is a day all about celebrating wonderful transgender people and some of their amazing work. This blog post is going to do a couple of thing; - Tell you about some findings and research on the experiences of transgender people in sport and physical activity. - Celebrate some wonderful openly transgender individuals and their work and adventures in the outdoors and sport. - Explain why people include their pronouns in bios and email signatures. Transgender individuals continue to face transphobic treatment across societies and in many cases violence [7] . Since 2015, transphobic hate crimes have quadrupled in the UK [8] . Research by Out for Sport has found that 66% of their LGBT (abbreviation used in the report) survey respondents think that there is a problem with transphobia in sport [3] . That mean...